2+2 Bachelor of Business Administration
2+2 工商管理學士
Department of General Education
Under the 2+2 degree program, students who choose Business Administration will spend the first two years of study in Hong Kong Adventist College campus, and proceed to the U.S. campus to complete the remaining two years of study. While studying in the U.S. campus, students are eligible for a tuition scholarship of US$14,000 (approximately 50% of the regular tuition fee) each year.
Program Curriculum
Year 1: Hong Kong Adventist College campus
• Study 32 credits
• Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and receive grades of C- or better
Year 2: Hong Kong Adventist College campus
• Study 30 credits
• Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and receive grades of C- or better
• Demonstrate English proficiency by obtaining IELTS 6.5
• Apply transferring to U.S. Andrews University campus
• Successful completion awarded with the Associate Degree in General Business by Andrews University
Year 3: Andrews University campus
• Award scholarship of US$14,000
• Choose a major from Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, International Business, Management, and Marketing
• Study major courses
• Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and receive grades of C- or better
Year 4: Andrews University campus
• Award scholarship of US$14,000
• Complete major requirement courses
• Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and receive grades of C- or better
• Successful completion awarded with the Bachelor in Business Administration with elected major Associate degree of General Business (reg. No.: 262891)
The General Business Associate degree consists the first part of the 2+2 Bachelor of Business Administration program. Students who complete these 2 years of study should be able to:
1. Identify major concepts across business functional areas
2. Incorporate relevant quantitative and qualitative data in analysis
3. Identify and apply appropriate business theories in addressing business issues
4. Deliver oral presentations clearly, confidently, and in an organized format
5. Present their written thoughts in a coherent narrative to articulate complex ideas
6. Identify Christian perspectives when approaching business issues and understand, the Judea Christian foundation of personal and professional integrity, ethics, accountability, and experience positive Christian growth
Internship Opportunities
An internship can be an excellent way to get experience as well as a foot in the door to a potential future employer. Internships help you put into practice the information and knowledge you are taught here in the classroom. At the School of Business, we have many of these opportunities for you. Our students have gotten internships at places like Adventist Health Systems, Kettering Health Network, JP Morgan, Whirlpool and Crowe Horwath (plus many more). These internship opportunities are what help transition you from a School of Business Administration student to a business professional. We can help you find the right place to make this transition!
The School of Business Administration at Andrews University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11374 Strang Line Road in Lenexa, Kansas, USA. The business programs in the following degrees at the listed locations are accredited by the IACBE: Bachelor of Business Administration with Majors in: Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, International Business, Management, Marketing
Affiliation with Andrews University
Andrews University Andrews University was founded in 1874, located in Michigan, USA. It is a fully accredited institution offering more than 200 undergraduate and graduate degrees in business, health science, education, technology, religion, arts and science, and architecture. It is a place for students to seek knowledge, affirm their faith, and change the world. The School of Business Administration (SBA) offers high-quality education in business at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels to all who qualify, both church members and others of goodwill. We emphasize excellence in teaching in our disciplines, challenging students to search for knowledge and for that wisdom illumined by Christian insight in preparation for service to the world.