Scholarships & Financial Aid
The College welcomes any student who wishes to integrate the world of knowledge with the realities of Christian living. Subject to available space, an individual with the necessary academic background, financial resources, and character references and who is willing to accept the policies of the College as well as to adjust to its philosophical, religious, social, and cultural atmosphere may be admitted to the academic programs. Hong Kong Adventist College accepts each qualified individual without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, language, color, national origin, or religion. Disabled applicants may be accommodated provided the courses applied for are those, which the applicants are physically able to cope with.
The Chan Shun Scholarship is awarded for academic excellence. A scholarship of HK$10,000 is awarded to any regular student who achieves a 3.50 cumulative GPA during the preceding regular school year (September – May). A student must also complete a regular academic load consisting of a minimum of 12 credits per semester for college, and a minimum of 24 credits per term for college foundation students. Procedure: A student does not need to apply for this scholarship; all regular students are eligible. Allocation is determined by the Academic Dean who submits names of students eligible for the Chan Shun Scholarship to the President at the end of the Second semester each year. The scholarship is normally announced during the commencement service and is credited to the student’s account in the following month.
A student who is a member in good and regular standing or who has a parent who is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is eligible for a scholarship equivalent to a 10% discount on actual tuition charges. Procedure: A student must apply to the Business Manager for the discount during initial college registration and provide a letter of recommendation from a Seventh-day Adventist pastor of his or her home church. The discount is applied to tuition.
A scholarship of HK$3,000 is awarded to students who have financial need. Each school year a maximum of ten (10) awards may be given. The applicant must be a full-time student with good conduct and who has achieved a minimum of 2.50 cumulative GPA or equivalence in the school year. Procedure: A student must apply to the Business Manager. The scholarship will be credited to the student’s account at the end of the school year.
A scholarship of HK$3,000 is awarded to students who would engage in scholarly activities in the summer time or during the school year. The applicant must be a full-time student in the sophomore year or above with good standing (Cumulative GPA = 2.5 or above). Procedure: A student must apply to the Business Manager by filling out the appropriate form. Accompanying the form, a research proposal endorsed by a faculty member (who will act as a supervisor) needs to be submitted along with the completed form at the same time. The scholarship committee will meet to approve the applications and shall inform the applicant within seven days after the meeting. The scholarship will be credited to the student’s account upon the satisfactory completion of the research project, or presented to the student in the College’s annual commencement service.
The Residence Grant is a maximum of HK$300 per month. This grant is awarded to dormitory students who show exemplary conduct in the dormitory and on campus and who also have a financial need. A maximum of ten (10) Residence Assistance Grants may be awarded in each school year. Procedure: A student must apply to the Business Manager. Each applicant must also request letters of recommendation from each of the following: advisor or Department chair, dormitory dean, and dean of students. The Residence Grant is credited to a student’s account monthly.
A scholarship of HK$300 is awarded to students who are involved in the College’s social service programs. This is to encourage active participation in community service and training of their organizational and presentation skills. Matriculation students and college students who are interested in leading community service activities could apply. Procedure: A student must apply to the Business Manager by filling out the appropriate form. A training session will be arranged by the marketing department. All applicants have to be screened before they are assigned to take part in the activities of the social service programs. The scholarship will be credited to the student’s account upon the satisfactory completion of the project or presented to the student in the College's annual commencement service.
Andrews University Bachelor Degree Programs
Bachelor of Health Science in Wellness, with an Emphasis in Fitness (Reg. No.: 262892)
Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Reg. No.: 261680)
Bachelor of Arts in Religion (Reg. No.: 261684)
Associate of Science in General Business (Reg. No.: 262891)
Eligibility - HKDSE
HK$10,000 for scoring 332A2 (12 points) or above
HK$1,000 for each point above the minimum entry requirement of 12 points (DSE 332A2)
Eligibility - GPA system
HK$10,000 if graduate GPA is 3.00 or above
HK$15,000 if graduate GPA is 3.25 or above
HK$20,000 if graduate GPA is 3.50 or above
Background: Mr. Ngan Wai Lam Scholarship (“Fund”) was established in 2006 by Mr. Ngan Wai Lam with the assistance of Dr. Barbara Choi. Mr. Ngan was a teacher in Hong Kong Sam Yuk Secondary School and devoted his entire life in education.
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to students who want to pursue college education in Hong Kong Adventist College (“College”) and who can demonstrate financial need.
Amount and Use: The amount of award shall be determined by the Educational Aid Committee after considering the number of applicants and other factors. The maximum amount that a student can receive in a school year shall not exceed 20% of the annual tuition (summer excluded). When combined with other types of financial aid or grant, if any, a scholarship award may not exceed 80% of total tuition. The scholarship amount may affect other financial aid awards. There will be no checks written directly to students. The scholarship amount will be applied directly to tuition due.
Duration of Award: Renewable with maximum awards of four years (student needs to reapply annually).
Eligibility: Applicants must fulfill the following conditions:
1. Applicant must demonstrate financial need, and
2. Applicant in all cases shall be students who are accepted by the College under regular admission status and who are able to maintain a minimum study load of 12 credit-hours throughout a regular semester, and
3. Applicant must maintain a cumulative GPA 2.0 or above
Time of Award: For the incoming freshmen and new transfer students who don’t have the cumulative GPA available at the time of application, 50% of the scholarship will be awarded in one lump sum retroactively in the following regular semester when the cumulative GPA is available and in fulfillment of the eligibility criteria hereinabove.
For the purpose of this Policy, a regular semester shall mean Fall and Spring. Summer shall not be deemed as a regular semester. Except for the situation stated above, the scholarship will be awarded in Fall and in Spring semesters by crediting into the student’s account in eight equal installments.
Application: Applicants are required to submit their application annually by filling out a Scholarship Application Form obtained in the Business Office including a statement of no more than 250 words indicating why the applicant believes himself/herself would be a good candidate to receive the scholarship. The complete application must be received in the Business Office by 4:00 p.m. on or before 30 September. No late applications will be accepted. Incomplete application or application failing to follow the submission guidelines may disqualify the applicant.
Background: Shih Scholarship Fund (“Fund”) was established in May 2018 by Mr. Shih Jih Tzer in memory his father Mr. Shih Qi Zhong, an Adventist and an industrialist.
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to students who want to pursue college education in Hong Kong Adventist College (“College”) and who can demonstrate financial need.
Amount and Use: The amount of award shall be determined by the Educational Aid Committee after considering the number of applicants and other factors. The maximum amount that a student can receive in a school year shall not exceed 50% of the annual tuition (summer excluded). When combined with other types of financial aid or grant, if any, a scholarship award may not exceed 80% of total tuition. The scholarship amount may affect other financial aid awards. There will be no checks written directly to students. The scholarship amount will be applied directly to tuition due.
Duration of Award: Renewable with maximum awards of four years (student needs to reapply annually).
Eligibility: Applicants must fulfill the following conditions:
1. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and
2. Applicants in all cases shall be students who are accepted by the College under regular admission status and who are able to maintain a minimum study load of 12 credit-hours throughout a regular semester, and,
3. Applicants must maintain a cumulative GPA 2.0 or above.
Time of Award: For the incoming freshmen and new transfer students who don’t have the cumulative GPA available at the time of application, 50% of the scholarship will be awarded in one lump sum retroactively in the following regular semester when the cumulative GPA is available and in fulfillment of the eligibility criteria hereinabove.
For the purpose of this Policy, a regular semester shall mean Fall and Spring. Summer shall not be deemed as a regular semester. Except for the situation
stated above, the scholarship will be awarded in Fall and in Spring semesters by crediting into the student’s account in eight equal installments.
Application: Applicants are required to submit their application annually by filling out a Scholarship Application Form obtained in the Business Office including a statement of no more than 250 words indicating why the applicant believes himself/herself would be a good candidate to receive the scholarship. The complete application must be received in the Business Office by 4:00 p.m. on or before 30 September. No late applications will be accepted. Incomplete application or application failing to follow the submission guidelines may disqualify the applicant.
Background: Dr. Samuel Young Memorial Scholarship Fund (“Fund”) was established in May 2020 by Mr. Tom Chan, Chairman of Chan Shun International Foundation in collaboration with Hong Kong Adventist College (“College”) in memory of Dr. Samuel Young, the former president of the College in two different eras (1962-1968 & 1973-1978) for his contributions and accomplishments during his tenure.
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to students who want to pursue college education in the College and who can demonstrate financial need.
Amount and Use: The amount of award shall be determined by the Educational Aid Committee after considering the number of applicants and other factors. The maximum amount that a student can receive in a school year shall not exceed 50% of the annual tuition (summer excluded). When combined with other types of financial aid or grant, if any, a scholarship award may not exceed 80% of total tuition. The scholarship amount may affect other financial aid awards. There will be no checks written directly to students. The scholarship amount will be applied directly to tuition due.
Duration of Award: Renewable with maximum awards of four years (student needs to reapply annually).
Eligibility: Applicants must fulfill the following conditions:
1. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and
2. Applicants in all cases shall be students who are accepted by the College under regular admission status and who are able to maintain a minimum study load of 12 credit-hours throughout a regular semester, and
3. Applicants must maintain a cumulative GPA 2.0 or above.
Time of Award: For the incoming freshmen and new transfer students who don’t have the cumulative GPA available at the time of application, 50% of the scholarship will be awarded in one lump sum retroactively in the following regular semester when the cumulative GPA is available and in fulfillment of the eligibility criteria hereinabove. For the purpose of this Policy, a regular semester shall mean Fall and Spring. Summer shall not be deemed as a regular semester. Except for the situation stated above, the scholarship will be awarded in Fall and in Spring semesters by crediting into the student’s account in eight equal installments.
Application: Applicants are required to submit their application annually by filling out a Scholarship Application Form obtained in the Business Office including a statement of no more than 250 words indicating why the applicant believes himself/herself would be a good candidate to receive the scholarship. The complete application must be received in the Business Office by 4:00 p.m. on or before 30 September. No late applications will be accepted. Incomplete application or application failing to follow the submission guidelines may disqualify the applicant.
Background: The Scholarship Fund (“Scholarship”) was established by the children of Professor Giang in 2023 in memory of their parents. Professor Giang taught for many years at China Training Institute (中華三育研究社), the highest learning institute of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in China. He served in the Department of Theology of the Institute at the campuses of Shanghai, Chiaotoutseng (橋頭鎮), Sha Tin, and Clear Water Bay from 1925 to 1951. He and Pastor Sydney Lindt co-authored a number of books for middle school and college including "Bible Doctrine (聖道綱要)", "Study of the Book of Daniel (但以理書之研究) ", "Study of the Book of Revelation (啓示錄書之研究)", and "Explaining Bible Doctrine (聖道闡微)". Professor Giang and his three wives (both his first and second wives passed on early in middle age) altogether had nine children: two PhDs, two MDs, one DDS, one professor of Medicine, two CPAs, and one head nurse of a hospital. Professor Giang's wife, Ms. Tan Chen Hwa (譚振華女士), took care of her husband and children at home when she was young, and then she became a missionary when she reached middle age. The Scholarship is designated as a restricted endowed scholarship fund.
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to students who are pursuing college education in the College and who can demonstrate financial need. Priority shall be given to students majoring in religion and business.
Amount and Use: The amount of award shall be determined by the Educational Aid Committee after considering the number of applicants and other factors. The maximum amount that a student can receive in a school year shall not exceed 20% of the annual tuition rate of Andrews University’s affiliated programs (summer session excluded). When combined with other financial aids or grants, the total scholarship that a student receives in a school year shall not exceed 80% of annual tuition rate. The Scholarship amount may affect other financial aid awards. There will be no checks written directly to students. The Scholarship amount will be applied directly to tuition due.
Duration of Award: Renewable with maximum awards of four years (student needs to reapply annually).
Eligibility: Applicants must fulfill the following conditions:
1. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and
2. Applicants in all cases shall be students who are accepted by the College under regular admission status and who are able to maintain a minimum study load of 12 credit-hours throughout the regular semesters, and
3. Applicants must maintain a cumulative GPA 2.0 or above when application is made and to maintain the same for the semesters prior to the award is granted.
Time of Award: The Scholarship shall be awarded on an annual academic year basis beginning in fall semester. Total award amount is split between the fall and spring semesters by crediting into the student’s account in two equal installments contingent on the fulfillment of the eligibility requirements for GPA and study load.
Termination: The award of the Scholarship, however, shall cease immediately if the student:
a. withdraws from the College, or
b. is found inactive, or
c. has a cumulative GPA less than 2.0, or
d. registers for a study load of less than 12 credit-hours during the regular semesters for the year that the award is granted.
Application: Applicants are required to submit their application annually by filling out a Scholarship Application Form obtainable from the Business Office. The complete application together with all supporting documents must be received in the Business Office on or before September 30 during office hours. Late applications will not be accepted. Incomplete application or application failing to follow the submission guidelines may disqualify the applicant. All documents submitted will not be returned.
Background: Mr. John Chang Scholarship Fund (“Scholarship”) was established in October 2021 by Mr. Jacob Chang in memory of his brother Mr. John Chang. Mr. John Chang was an alumni and was among the first group of local Hong Kong students to enroll in the school. Mr. Chang was an outstanding colporteur, a success businessman, and a generous supporter to many organizations. The Scholarship is designated as a restricted endowed scholarship fund.
Purposes: To provide financial assistant to student who are pursuing education in the College and who can demonstrate financial need.
Amount and Use: The amount of award shall be determined by the Education Aid Committee after considering the number of applicants and other factors. The maximum amount that a student can receive in a school year shall not exceed 20% of the annual tuition rate of Andrews University’s affiliated programs (summer session excluded). When combined with other financial aids or grants, the total scholarship that a student receives in a school year shall not exceed 80% of annual tuition rate. The Scholarship amount may affect other financial aid awards. There will be no checks written directly to students. The Scholarship amount will be applied directly to tuition due.
Duration of Award: Renewable with maximum awards of five years (i.e.: one year for DPUS and four years for college only). Student needs to re-apply annually.
Time of award: This Scholarship shall be awarded on annual academic year basis beginning in fall semester. Total award amount is split between the fall and spring semesters by crediting into the student’s account in eight equal installments at four instalments per semester. The award of the Scholarship, however, shall cease immediately if the student withdraws from the College or is found inactive.
1. Must demonstrate financial need, and
2. Applicants in all cases shall be students who are accepted by the College under regular admission status and who are able to maintain a minimum study load of 12 credit-hours throughout all regular semesters, and,
3. Must maintain a cumulative GPA 3.0 or above when application is made.
Application: Applicants are required to submit their application annually by filling out a Scholarship Application Form obtainable from the Business Office. The complete application together with all supporting documents must be received in the Business Office on or before September 30 during office hours. Late applications will not be accepted. Incomplete application or application failing to follow the submission guidelines may disqualify the applicant. All documents submitted will not be returned.
Scholarship Application
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