The Dr. Samuel C. Young Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dear Friends,
The Dr. Samuel C. Young Memorial Scholarship Fund has been established in honor of Dr. Samuel C. Young for all his accomplishments at this Clear Water Bay Campus. Dr. Samuel C. Young was an icon for Clear Water Bay Sam Yuk Middle School as well as Hong Kong Adventist College (HKAC) for many years. He served as the principal of Sam Yuk Middle School as well as the president of South China Union College, which is the former name of Hong Kong Adventist College in two different eras (1962-1968, and 1973-1978). He expanded the middle school and the college. The campus church, King Huy Hall, was built during his tenure. His counsel and encouragement helped many of our young alumni to go on to become successful professionals.
As such, the Chan Shan International Foundation (CSIF) will match all donations to this new scholarship fund - dollar for dollar, up to 1 million Hong Kong dollars. All proceeds and investment returns of the Dr. Samuel C. Young Memorial Scholarship Fund will be used to support students with financial needs, as well as award students with high academic achievements. This will be a perpetual scholarship fund that will benefit the students of HKAC for many years to come.
On behalf of HKAC, I would like to invite you to be a part of this meaningful ministry.
Here are a few easy ways to make your donations to this scholarship fund:
1. Make a cheque payable to: Hong Kong Adventist College, 1111 Clear Water Bay Road, Sai Kung, N.T., Hong Kong. Be sure to indicate the donation is for Dr. Samuel C. Young Memorial Scholarship Fund.
2. Direct transfer of your donations to Hang Seng Bank: Account #: 204-3-011010. Please email your receipt to donation@hkac.edu.
3. For U.S. residents who would like to receive tax deductible receipts, please make a check payable to:
General Conference of SDA
Attn: Donation Center-TRE
P. O. Box 5009
Hagerstown, MD 21741
To ensure that the funds get to the college it is important that you attach a note to the General Conference of SDA designating the funds should go to:
Hong Kong Adventist College
Attn: Hosea Yeung, Treasurer
1111 Clear Water Bay Road
Sai Kung, N.T.
Hong Kong
Important: Please email Hosea Yeung that you’ve made the donation via hoseay@hkac.edu. If your donation is made via a credit card, there is a fee of 2.75% that is deducted from the amount for HKAC. Checks are 100% for HKAC.
Please allow me to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support for HKAC. Your selfless contributions will be used wisely for bringing more young people to Christ as well as for training future servants of God.
In Christ,
Dan Cheung, PhD
President of Hong Kong Adventist College
President of Chinese Adventist Seminary
楊健生博士紀念獎學金的設立是為了紀念楊健生博士對清水灣校園的偉大貢獻。 楊健生博士曾是清水灣三育中學和香港三育書院的重要人物。他曾擔任三育中學的校長和華南三育書院的院長 (1962-1968年和1973-1978年), 華南三育書院是香港三育書院的前身。楊博士將三育中學發展成為了書院。校園裡的教堂─景輝堂,就是在他任職期間所興建。他的教誨和鼓勵幫助了我們許多年輕的校友成為成功的專業人士。
支票。抬頭至:香港三育書院 (地址:香港新界西貢清水灣道1111號)。請註明捐款是用於楊健生博士紀念獎學基金。
抬頭請寫:General Conference of SDA
地址:Attn: Donation Center-TRE, P. O. Box 5009, Hagerstown, MD 21741
請特别註明這筆捐款是給香港三育書院 (Hong Kong Adventist College)
楊柏年電郵地址: hosea.yeung@hkac.edu
在此,請接受我對您一直以來對香港三育書院的支持表示衷心的感謝。我們會善用您無私的捐獻, 讓我們可以培育訓練更多上帝的僕人及引領更多的年輕人歸向基督。